What is a Slug in Yoast SEO?

Anil Alexander
June 5, 2023
8 Minute
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If you're an online marketer, chances are you've heard of Yoast SEO. It's one of the most popular WordPress plugins used to optimize websites for search engines.

But what is slug in Yoast SEO?

Slugs are a crucial part of any website and can have a major impact on your search engine rankings.

In this article, we'll explain exactly what slugs are, how they work with Yoast SEO, and why they matter to your overall SEO strategy.

Keep reading to learn more about using slugs in Yoast SEO!

What Is A Slug?

A slug is an important part of a website's URL structure. It helps create user-friendly URLs that make it easier for users to access your blog post or page.

Slugs are used in the Yoast SEO feature and help establish a strong foundation for good search engine optimization (SEO).

When determining what letters should be used in a slug, there needs to be balance between creating easy-to-understand slugs that both have meaning to people and still provide maximum benefit when using the Yoast SEO plugin. This means avoiding unnecessarily long strings of words and including relevant keywords where they can add value without making the slug too difficult to read.

Slugs play an integral role in creating quality web content with high visibility on search engines. A well thought out url structure with carefully crafted slugs will result in improved user experience as visitors engage more easily with websites due to their intuitive navigation paths and better understanding of pages’ topical relevance.

With this knowledge about slugs, you can begin setting up and editing them within WordPress to maximize your site’s potential!

How To Set & Edit A Slug In Wordpress

So, what is a Slug? A slug is the part of the URL structure that comes after your domain name. It’s also sometimes known as a post title or permalink. Slugs are an important element for SEO optimization and typically include lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens in place of spaces. In WordPress specifically, slugs can be used to identify posts within categories and authors—referred to as Post Title Slugs, Category Slugs, Author Slugs, etc., respectively.

Now let's talk about how you can edit and set a slug in WordPress. To begin with, it's important to understand where slugs fit into your website's overall permalink structure. The default slug settings may work just fine for some websites; however when optimizing for SEO it often makes sense to customize them so they're more descriptive and optimized with keywords related to your content topic - which is why Yoast offers its own custom options here.

If you choose to use Yoast’s options rather than the defaults, you'll have several different fields available:

  • The post title field (which automatically sets from whatever text you enter in the main page editor)
  • A category slug field (for setting specific terms for categorizing content)
  • Author-specific slugs (for assigning unique identifiers based on authorship)
  • Finally, a meta description field (to help search engines better contextualize your content).

As long as all these elements are present then you should be able to successfully optimize your website's WordPress slugs!

How To Seo Optimize Wordpress Slugs

WordPress slugs, with the assistance of on-page SEO services like Yoast SEO, play a significant role in optimizing on-page SEO. By optimizing the WordPress slug, users can achieve better results in search engine rankings.

One example is WordCamp Lisboa where they used a descriptive slug as opposed to an exact match one for better SEO analysis. This type of slug optimization is called Slug Cleaner and helps with readability and relevance in searches.

When optimizing your WordPress slug you want to make sure that it's descriptive but not too long or confusing. It should be something that accurately describes what will be found on the page while also being easy for someone searching for it to find.

For instance, if you were writing about cats, your slug could include words such as “cats”, “petting”, “grooming” or other related terms instead of just saying “cat-info”. Using relevant keywords and phrases within your WordPress slugs can help improve overall visibility in search engines and drive more traffic towards your website.

To sum up, when offering global SEO services, it is essential to allocate time to review and optimize the structure of your slugs. By utilizing tools like Yoast SEO and ensuring that your slugs are optimized correctly, you can significantly enhance your website's performance in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Optimized slugs that incorporate relevant keywords related to your global SEO services contribute to better search engine visibility and improved rankings.

Moving forward we'll discuss the difference between a URL slug and a URL without mentioning 'step'.

The Difference Between A Url Slug And A Url

A URL Slug is a unique phrase that identifies each page on your website. It’s an important part of SEO and it helps users, search engines, and blog readers to easily find the content they are looking for.

A slug can be set either manually or automatically by using a plugin like Yoast SEO. When you create a post or page in WordPress, it will generate a default slug based on the title of your content.

But with the help of Yoast SEO plugin, you can customize this slur and use something more relevant as per your focus keyword. You can also assign custom slugs to categories and tags in order to make them easier to read and shareable with other people.

For example, if you have created a post about “How To Optimize Your Website For Search Engines” then instead of having the default slug (e.g., ‘how-to-optimize-your-website-for-search-engines’) you may want to change it into something shorter such as ‘seo-tips’ which not only looks better but also gives readers an idea about what the article is going to be about from just glancing at its description or category slug.

With that said, let's move onto how slugs impact SEO and tips for optimization.

Slug Impact & Tips For Optimization

Moving on from the differences between a URL slug and a URL, let's look at some ways to use slugs in Yoast SEO for optimization. Slugs are incredibly important when it comes to optimizing your content for search engine rankings.

Here are 3 key tips to remember when creating friendly slugs with Yoast SEO:

  1. Include relevant keywords: When you create a slug, make sure that it includes any relevant keywords that relate to the post or page you're writing about. This will help increase click-through rates and SEO rankings.
  2. Keep it short and simple: Your URL slug should be as concise as possible while still being descriptive of what is written in the post or page. Longer slugs can potentially harm SEO performance so keep them around 50 characters maximum if possible.
  3. Avoid stop words: Stop words like “of”, “the”, “a” etc don't need to be included in the slug unless necessary because they do not add any value to its overall purpose of describing the content within your post or page accurately.

By following these rules above, you'll have an easier time crafting effective and optimized slugs through Yoast SEO for better search engine visibility and higher ranking potentials!

Now, let's take a look at some frequently asked questions about WordPress Slug Optimization.

FAQs About WordPress Slugs

A WordPress slug is an important part of the Yoast SEO plugin that helps you to optimize your content for search engines. It's a key element when setting up pages and posts in Content Management Systems (CMS) such as WordPress. In this article, we'll answer some frequently asked questions about WordPress slugs so you can make sure they are set up correctly.

First off, what exactly is a WordPress Slug?

A slug is the unique URL name given to a page or post on your website – it’s the last part of the URL after the domain name.

To edit it, click on the ‘Edit’ button next to the title of your page/post from within your CMS dashboard. You should avoid using special characters and uppercase letters when creating your slug; instead use hyphens (-) between words if necessary.

The most important thing when creating a slug is making sure it includes your target keyword for better optimization.

Lastly, don't forget that once you've created or edited a slug, its status code will appear in the right-hand side bar of the editing screen. This shows whether or not any changes have been made successfully with regards to redirects and other web settings related to that particular page/slug.

Keep in mind that incorrect URLs may result in broken links and affect user experience negatively - so double check all slugs before publishing!


In conclusion, it is important to understand what a WordPress slug is and how it can be used for SEO purposes.

The maximum length of a Slug should be no more than 70 characters, so you'll have to get creative in order to make sure your content stands out from the competition.

Additionally, there are some potential risks associated with setting a WordPress slug that need to be taken into consideration before committing.

As an SEO content writer, I always like to remind my clients that by taking these extra steps - such as customizing their WordPress slugs once they're set - they will reap the sweet rewards of higher search engine rankings down the line.

So don't let something as small as a Slug go overlooked; give yourself every opportunity possible to shine!


Q: What Is The Maximum Length For A Wordpress Slug?

WordPress slugs are an important part of SEO, as they help to define the page or post and make it easier for search engines to index your website.

The maximum length for a WordPress slug is typically determined by the platform you're using, but most popular platforms like Yoast SEO recommend keeping it under 50-60 characters.

This allows for shorter URLs that can be more easily understood by both humans and search engine algorithms.

By following these guidelines, you'll ensure that your WordPress posts and pages have optimized slugs that will benefit your overall SEO efforts.

Q: How Can I Make Sure My Wordpress Slug Is Seo-Friendly?

Creating a WordPress slug that is SEO-friendly can be easy if you follow some key steps.

Start by ensuring your content is focused on the topic at hand and using keywords in the title.

Then make sure to keep the slug short, as Google will truncate longer slugs when displayed in search results.

Additionally, avoid special characters like hyphens or underscores as they may confuse search engines.

Finally, use Yoast SEO’s preview tool to verify your post looks good on SERPs before publishing it.

Following these 4 simple tips should help ensure your post has an optimized slug for better visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs).

Q: Are There Any Potential Risks Associated With Setting A Wordpress Slug?

While setting a WordPress slug might seem like an easy task, there are potential risks that you should consider before deciding.

For example, improperly set slugs can lead to duplicate content issues and even 404 errors which could negatively impact your SEO rankings.

To ensure your slugs are optimized for search engines, be sure to include relevant keywords and make them as short as possible without sacrificing the meaning of the page or post.

Q: How Do I Delete A Wordpress Slug?

Are you looking to delete a WordPress slug? Well, fear not! It's easy to do.

To get started, log in to your WordPress admin panel and select 'Posts' from the left-hand menu. From there, hover over the post that contains the slug you want to remove, then click on 'Edit'.

You'll see a box called 'Permalink', which is where you can make changes to your slug. Simply erase what's currently there and enter a new one - it doesn't have to be anything specific since slugs are used for SEO purposes only.

When you're done editing, hit save draft or update post and your WordPress Slug will be deleted.

Q: Is It Possible To Customize A Wordpress Slug After It Has Been Set?

Yes, it's possible to customize a WordPress slug after it has been set.

This can be done through the Yoast SEO plugin which offers an easy-to-use interface for editing your post or page slugs quickly and easily.

You can also manually adjust the URL by going into the 'Permalinks' settings in WordPress and changing the permalink structure there.

It's important to note that when adjusting slugs, you should avoid making any changes to existing URLs as this could lead to broken links and other issues on your website.

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