How To Name Photos For SEO?

Leighton Emmons
June 5, 2023
How to name photos for SEO
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Naming your photos correctly is an essential step for optimizing them for SEO. Take the example of ABC Furniture, a furniture store in California with a large online presence. By renaming their product images to include relevant keywords, they were able to improve their search engine rankings and drive more traffic to their website.

In this article, we'll discuss how you can use photo naming conventions to optimize your images for SEO.

We'll cover why it's important, what makes a good file name, and some tips on creating effective names that will help boost your visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Read on to find out more!

What Is An Image Filename?

Image filenames are an important factor in optimizing images for SEO. Image names can help improve visibility and rankings on search engines such as Google, helping to increase the organic traffic your blog post images receive.

It's essential to create descriptive filenames that accurately describe the image content when creating image titles or attributes. When you upload images onto your website, make sure they’re optimized properly with a file size that won't slow down page load times. This is one of the basic optimization techniques used by SEO experts to ensure user-friendly image filenames across all devices.

To further improve visibility, use keywords within the title and description of each image whenever possible without overstuffing them with too many words. By following these simple steps, you'll be able to create high-quality image filenames that will help boost your site's ranking on Google Image Search results pages and other search engine websites.

Moving forward, it's important to keep in mind best practices for naming photos for SEO purposes so you can maximize their long-term value.

Guidelines For Image Naming For SEO

When it comes to SEO, choosing descriptive file names for your images is key. Optimizing image format and size can also help boost your SEO ranking.

Using relevant keywords in your image file names can help search engine crawlers find and index your content. If you're looking to get the most out of your on page SEO efforts, keeping these tips in mind is a must!

Choosing Descriptive File Names

When it comes to optimizing images and content for SEO, file names should not be overlooked. Choosing descriptive, keyword-rich image names can give your visuals an extra boost in search engine rankings.

When naming a file, make sure you include the keywords that are relevant to the image itself as well as its format. For example, if you were saving a PNG file of a sunset landscape photo on a beach, the name could look like “sunset-landscape-beach-PNG” or something similar.

It's also important to consider other factors such as file type (JPEG vs PNG), size (large vs small) and optimization techniques when creating file names for maximum visibility. By taking these key elements into account when naming your files, you'll have better success with getting them noticed via searches and improving overall image SEO performance.

Image Format & Size Optimization

Now that you're aware of how to name your image files for SEO, on page seo services also emphasize optimizing their format and size. Proper formatting and sizing of images are crucial for achieving fast-loading web pages and maintaining high-quality visuals across all devices. This involves using responsive images, selecting appropriate file types such as JPEG or PNG, adjusting dimensions based on publishing guidelines, creating an image sitemap, and optimizing them using tools like Adobe Photoshop or Canva. Additionally, including captions when possible can provide added benefits. By implementing these on-page SEO services, businesses can enhance website performance, improve user experience, and boost search engine rankings.

When dealing with an array of different image formats and sizes from various sources, making sure they are optimized correctly can be tricky.

To start off, take into account the type of file being used (JPEG vs PNG) – this will help determine the quality of the visual while still remaining small in file size. Additionally, consider using responsive images so they can automatically adjust depending on what device they’re being viewed on; then use proper dimension settings based on where you plan to publish them (e.g., website vs social media).

Finally, remember to create an image sitemap if applicable along with any necessary optimization tweaks prior to publishing online.

Overall, taking these steps will not only improve user experience but also boost search engine rankings by ensuring each image is properly formatted and sized according to best practices recommended by Google and other major search engines. So don't forget about properly optimizing imagery when going through the process of perfecting names for maximum visibility!

Examples Of Good And Bad Image Names For SEO

Good image names should include keywords that are relevant to the content and help search engines understand what the image is about.

Bad image names are just numbers and letters, or are overly long, making them difficult for search engines to recognize.

SEO benefits of having good image names include better search engine ranking and more website traffic. Poor image names can cause search engines to overlook your images, resulting in a lower ranking and fewer visitors.

Having clear and concise image names is crucial for global SEO services as it helps your content stand out and attracts more visitors. When optimizing your image names, incorporating relevant keywords specific to your global SEO services can be an effective strategy to boost your SEO rankings. By including targeted keywords in your image names, you increase the likelihood of search engines understanding the context and relevance of the images, thereby improving the visibility of your content in search engine results.

This optimization technique not only enhances the user experience but also contributes to the overall SEO performance of your website. By aligning your image names with the keywords relevant to your global SEO services, you can attract more organic traffic and improve your website's visibility on a global scale.

Good Image Names

When it comes to SEO efforts, having quality images with relevant image names is essential. Image names can be just as important as the actual content of your web page in terms of how search engines rank pages and how users find what they are looking for on Google Images.

When creating an image name, make sure you include words that accurately describe the subject matter of the image or any related keywords. It's also a good idea to avoid generic file extensions such as .jpg or .png and opt for something more specific instead—like including device-specific sizes (e.g., iPhoneX_imageName) if applicable.

Stock images should also have unique identifiers to distinguish them from other similar stock photos; otherwise, search engine crawlers may not index these images correctly.

To ensure your images get discovered by both search engines and users alike, create high-quality photos with descriptive titles that contain relevant keywords. Doing this will help your SEO efforts immensely!

Bad Image Names

Bad image names can have a huge impact on SEO rankings and search engine rankings.

Generic filenames like 'image1.jpg' or generic stock photos with thousands of other images just like it don't help when it comes to making your page stand out from the rest.

Not only will these types of images not be crawled correctly by search engines, but they won't even show up in image searches, let alone get any social sharing love either!

Huge images with high-quality content that isn't related to their filename also create problems for crawlers.

Having relevant image filenames that match the content is key if you want them to appear during an image search or rank well in SERPs.

That's why taking the time to accurately name your images is so important—it'll make all the difference down the line!

SEO Benefits

Well, now that we know what makes a bad image name for SEO purposes, let's look at the other side of the coin—the benefits!

Having optimized images can do wonders for your website when it comes to organic traffic. Not only will crawlers be able to easily index them and accurately display them in SERPs and image searches, but they’ll also improve user experience with high-quality graphics and visuals.

This is why taking the time to properly optimize and compress images should always be part of any good SEO guide. With content-specific filenames and appropriate code, you'll find that search engines are more likely to rank your site higher on their results pages.

And if you're looking for tools to help speed up this process, there are plenty of useful image compression tools available online. So don't wait around - start optimizing those images today and reap the rewards tomorrow!

The Correct Way To Name Your Photos For Image SEO

Using keywords in your photo file names is a great way to boost your SEO. It's important to pick relevant words that accurately describe the image. Additionally, you should use descriptive words that people might search for.

File names should also be concise, with no more than three words. Image descriptions are also key for SEO; they should be detailed and include relevant keywords. Alt-text should also be used to provide additional context to search engines.

Finally, if you're using a content management system, make sure to fill out any title and description fields.


Are you trying to optimize your website's images for SEO? Naming your photos correctly is a critical part of the process. The right keywords and file names can make all the difference when it comes to image search engine optimization (SEO).

When naming your photos, start by selecting relevant keywords that will help describe what's in each photo or graphic. For example, if you have an image of a computer mouse, use words like 'computer', 'mouse', and 'graphic' as part of the name.

Additionally, consider adding device types - such as mobile phones or tablets - along with aspect ratios so users searching on various devices find the correct version of the image they need. Also include social media platforms where appropriate, as this can give you extra visibility.

Finally, take care not to overstuff your filenames with too many separate keywords; instead combine them into one phrase for better readability. By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to optimizing all your website images for SEO!

File Naming Practices

Once you've chosen the right keywords to name your images, it's time to delve into file naming practices.

This is a crucial step in optimizing your images for SEO and getting higher visibility on social media marketing campaigns.

Depending on the type of image, there are different rules that should be followed when creating filenames for original photos, regular pictures, transparent images and more.

For instance, if you're using photo images, add device types as well as aspect ratios so users can find what they need regardless of the device being used.

It's also important not to overstuff your filenames with too many separate keywords; instead combine them into one phrase for better readability.

By following these steps, you'll ensure that all your website's images are properly optimized for SEO!

Image Descriptions

Once you've got the filenames sorted, it's time to look at image descriptions for your SEO images.

Descriptions are important as they provide context around your flat images and can be used by search engines to determine how relevant an actual image is to a users query.

They also help distinguish between low-quality and high-quality images, plus enable additional source information in social media marketing campaigns or XML Image Sitemaps.

To ensure authenticity of your photos, try adding an image SEO addon that will automatically generate these descriptions for each of your pictures - this way, you'll know that all of your images have accurate descriptions with right keywords!

More SEO Image Optimization Tips

When it comes to SEO, images are often the unsung heroes. They can be the pieces of visual content that pull in viewers and draw attention to your site.

But just like any other aspect of SEO, image optimization is key for success. Taking the time and effort to name photos for SEO purposes can help maximize organic traffic from search engines, as well as improve load times on mobile devices.

When naming images, focus keywords should always be included. These terms will give Google Image a better understanding of what's being displayed in each photo and make sure they rank higher in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

It may take extra effort but research shows it’s worth it - optimized visuals receive 94% more views than those without descriptions or captions.

By investing some energy into optimizing your website’s imagery you create an overall positive user experience while increasing visibility on search engine results pages at the same time.

Making sure all images on your site have been named properly with relevant terms pays off in dividends – so don't forget this important step when planning out your next SEO strategy!


It’s clear that taking a thoughtful approach to naming your photos for SEO can help you get more visibility in search engine results and drive more traffic to your website.

By using the right file format, updating image names regularly, carefully ordering words within filenames, considering image size, and avoiding special characters, you can strengthen your SEO efforts even further.

My advice is to make sure that you give each photo its own unique title which accurately describes what it contains.

This will not only improve your chances of appearing higher up in search engine rankings but also ensure that visitors have an enjoyable experience when they visit your site.

Taking these steps will help ensure that my readers reap all the benefits from their SEO efforts!


Q: What Is The Best File Format For SEO?

When it comes to SEO, the best file format for your photos is JPEG.

Not only does this type of photo provide a good balance between quality and small size, but it also helps with page loading speeds which can be beneficial for SEO purposes.

Additionally, search engines like Google are able to easily recognize JPEGs in comparison to other image formats such as GIF or PNG.

When choosing an image format for SEO optimization, always go with a JPEG!

Q: How Often Should I Update My Image Naming Conventions?

It's no secret that image naming conventions are essential to SEO success, so it's important to stay up-to-date.

To keep your rankings high and ensure you're making the most of your photos, we recommend updating your conventions every few months – like a well-oiled machine!

With regular maintenance, you can make sure all your images are properly named and optimized for search engine visibility.

Q: Does The Order Of Words In An Image Filename Affect Seo?

When it comes to SEO, the order of words in an image filename can make a difference. Using keywords at the beginning of filenames helps web crawlers more easily identify them and increases the chances that your images will appear in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Additionally, using descriptive words that accurately describe what is in the picture also improves visibility on SERPs. By taking these measures when naming photos for SEO purposes, you'll be better equipped to optimize website performance and boost organic traffic.

Q: Does The Size Of An Image Affect Seo?

When it comes to SEO, the size of an image is just as important as its name. Images that are too large or too small can be detrimental to your website’s performance; having images with a file size larger than necessary will slow down page loading times and affect user experience negatively, while images that are too small may not display properly on various screen sizes.

It’s important to optimize the size of your images for both desktop and mobile devices in order to get the best results from your SEO efforts.

Q: Can I Use Special Characters In My Image Filenames?

When it comes to naming images for SEO, you may be wondering if special characters can be used in the file names.

The answer is yes! Special characters such as underscores, hyphens and periods are all allowed when naming image files and they can help make your filenames more descriptive which will make them easier to read by search engines.

In addition, using special characters instead of spaces between words makes the filenames easier to parse and understand.

Learn More: What is a Slug in Yoast SEO?

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