How To Generate Good Podcast Topics

Generating the right podcast topics is critical to getting the best podcast episodes.
Armaan Khendry
January 19, 2023
7 Minute Read
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Creating a good podcast starts with creating great topics - it's as simple as that. There are 6 simple rules to follow.

It can often be hard to connect with your audience if they don’t resonate with what you are creating. 

And as creators, that is probably one of our biggest fears: not being relevant.

Choosing the right thing to talk about in your podcast can be crucial to getting traction and establishing an audience right off the bat.

The first thing to do when creating a podcast, especially for selling SEO services, is to decide what to talk about.

When offering on-page SEO services, it's important to select a topic that resonates with your target audience. Conduct thorough market research and keyword analysis to identify popular topics related to on-page SEO. Focus on providing valuable and actionable information that addresses your audience's pain points. Tailor your content to optimize on-page elements such as meta tags, headings, and structured data. By delivering high-quality on page seo services, you can enhance website visibility and attract targeted traffic.

Getting started and not knowing what ethos your podcast is going to have can be daunting, but we’ve got a few key things to keep in mind that are going to make your process much easier.

Here are our top 6 recommendations:

  1. Good story over anything
  2. Focus on Evergreen Content
  3. Decide what’s important to you
  4. If you can’t decide, just ask
  5. Establish a baseline and look at what the top podcasts are doing
  6. Get. Set. Record.

Good Story Over Everything

There’s a Native American proverb, “those who tell stories, rule the world”.

No matter who you are, where you’re from, or what you do, you are bound to have a perspective that is uniquely yours. You can talk about generic canned topics, but everyone’s heard it before.

What people haven’t heard before is your take on things. Lean into that. 

No matter what you talk about, connect it with a life experience, or a take on the subject you haven’t seen before. That’s all it takes for people to resonate with you. Originality. And a fresh take on things.

Try telling a story from your childhood that your grandma used to read to you at night, talk about how you built your brand, or discuss why you like peanut butter more than jam.

Here at Mamba, we try to tell a good story first, and with all our podcasts, we make sure our DNA is all over it. Informative and entertaining, that's the way to go baby!

Focus on Evergreen Content

If you’re just starting out, it can be tempting to jump on a trend, but it is often a bad idea. You never know how a piece of trending news is going to age, and you don’t want to typecast yourself into something you don’t like.

Creating an episode about a trending or time-sensitive topic can be a very good way to get listeners, but if you want to retain your relevance over a long period of time, you are better off creating more evergreen content.

Look into topics that people will come back to, such as educational content, books, movie reviews, talk about everyday issues, mental health, etc. Basically, any piece of content that you don’t have to put an expiration date on.

This way, new listeners can make the most out of all episodes you’ve posted. And you don’t have to go back and edit the episode description with changes and updates about that old celebrity feud you talked about. *coughs in Johnny Depp*

Decide What’s Important to You

Why are you starting a podcast? What purpose are you trying to accomplish? 

Take a piece of paper, and write down all the why’s of what you are trying to do. And if you can’t put your finger exactly on what your podcast’s purpose is, think about what you want to get out of it.

Do you want to generate leads? Do you want to connect with people? Or maybe you want a place to vent where thousands of people can listen to you.

Don’t get caught up in what other people want from you or your show, think about what inspires you to create. 

If you create with love, the audience will find you.

Can’t decide? Just Ask.

If you’re having too much trouble with honing in on something to talk about, The people will tell you what they want to hear. 

Here’s what you can do:

  • Create a poll on your brand’s social media
  • Do a Reddit poll or QnA
  • Ask for guests your audience would like on the podcast
  • Get your audience to pick a topic from 3-5 recommendations

If you’re just starting out and don’t have an active enough audience yet, don’t fret. Pick what you like, do an episode, and then ask for feedback on the episode. Be receptive to what your audience has to say, and they’ll tell you what they want to hear!

A Baseline to Work With

We’ve done our research, and while we recommend you do your own due diligence, here are some of the most talked-about podcast topics in the world right now:

  • True Crime
  • Global News
  • Sports
  • Talk Shows
  • Food
  • Paranormal
  • Movie and book reviews
  • Your favorite topic (obviously)

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