Do Blog Comments Help SEO?

Leighton Emmons
June 29, 2023
15 Minute
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Search engine optimization (SEO) is a vital aspect of digital marketing. It involves strategies and techniques used to enhance the visibility of websites in search engine results pages (SERPs). One such technique is blog commenting, which can be used as an effective SEO tool. Blog comments not only help build relationships with other bloggers but also help create backlinks that improve the organic ranking of websites in SERPs. This article will discuss the importance and benefits of using blog comment for SEO, as well as how to use it effectively and best practices for successful blog commenting.

Key Takeaways

  • Blog commenting can positively impact SEO by building relationships, creating backlinks, and attracting organic traffic.
  • Quality comment moderation is crucial to protect against spam and maintain high-quality content.
  • Commenting on high-ranking domains can establish trustworthiness and increase organic traffic, but care should be taken to avoid low-quality or spammy sites.
  • Including a link back to one's website and providing unique, valuable comments with good grammar can enhance credibility and drive traffic.

Blog Commenting for SEO

Blog commenting is a popular SEO strategy used to increase website ranking in search engine results. It involves the user placing comments on relevant blog posts, which allows for two-way conversation between the blog author and the users. By taking part in this two-way conversation, users are able to build relationships with other blog commenters as well as establish their authority with search engines such as Google and Bing. This helps to boost their SEO rankings by creating more backlinks, increasing their social proof, and providing valuable content that can attract organic traffic.

When done correctly, blog commenting can help improve a website's search engine optimization (SEO). Adding comments on relevant blogs can benefit the website by: adding backlinks; helping create a successful blog; building relationships within the community; improving visibility of specific keywords; and generating additional traffic through link juice from outbound links. Additionally, comment moderation is essential to ensure only high quality content reaches readers, whilst also protecting against spam bots or manual spam attempts.

By having relevant comments from real people on targeted blogs that are SEO friendly, it helps add value to a website's digital marketing efforts by improving its overall ranking factors and boosting its internal linking structure while driving more organic traffic from potential followers of those blogs. In addition, adding meaningful comments with lowquality ones will help build quality backlinks over time while increasing semantic indexing accuracy against spam bots and other forms of malicious content.

Impact on Search Rankings

Anecdotal evidence suggests that the presence of reader comments on a website may have an impact on its search rankings, like a ripple effect in a pond. Blog owners should be aware of the potential effects user-generated content could have on their SEO results. It is important to note that blog comment spam can harm search engine rankings, so it is necessary to remain diligent and take preventative measures against such forms of spam. The main benefit of allowing comments on blog posts is that it helps create a sense of community with readers and encourages them to engage with the blog topic. This interaction between the blog owner and readers can help increase knowledge about the subject matter and lead to more search traffic for your site.

A plugin or other type of automated system should be used to filter out any form of spam from bots or human users who are attempting to use your platform for linkspamming or other malicious activities. Additionally, it is important to limit the amount of information being requested when asking visitors for their email address or other personal information in order to reduce forms of spam such as Google Alerts or Google Analytics tracking codes embedded in comment strings. Popular blogs often receive lots of comments and if not managed properly, this can become overwhelming quickly; however, this can also be seen as an opportunity as long as these comments are relevant and helpful to both the blog owner and its readers.

Seth Godin has famously said “The tribes we lead will accept us only if we provide consistent, generous leadership” which applies very much so here: by allowing an open dialogue between bloggers and readers alike, it creates trust within these channels which leads to more authentic conversations about topics related directly or indirectly with the blog topic at hand - thus leading back full circle into increasing one's SEO rank through organic means such as positive user feedback rather than through spammier comments which would ultimately hurt one's reputation online instead due to blackhat tactics employed by unscrupulous websites seeking quick gains without putting in any real effort into creating value for their audience other than what they might perceive as image building alone.

Importance and Benefits

Allowing user-generated content on a website can provide meaningful benefits for both blog owners and their readers. Blog comments offer an avenue for reader engagement, helping to build an online presence, and create more opportunities for organic search traffic. Neil Patel and Pat Flynn are two well-known experts in the world of SEO who have discussed the importance of incorporating blog comments into a website's overall strategy. Although inevitably spam comments will be encountered, there are techniques that can be employed to minimize this issue while still allowing blog owners to benefit from user-generated content.

When utilized effectively, blog comments help increase user engagement with a website through increased interaction between readers and authors. This helps build relationships among readers which further increases loyalty towards the website as well as word-of-mouth marketing that leads to more organic search traffic. Additionally, blog comments allow readers to ask questions or provide feedback which provides valuable insight into what topics might be popular or what type of content people want to see more of.

Neil Patels has gone so far as to suggest that getting users involved in commenting is an important way of improving SEO rankings due its ability to generate relationships between blogs and other websites such as social media sites. Furthermore, he has stated that blog comment sections should not just be used solely as a tool for optimization but also foster conversations between users - thus turning one time visitors into return customers who continually come back seeking new information or updates on previous posts they commented on. As such, it is clear that utilizing user generated content via blog comment sections can have immense value when it comes creating engaging experiences for both authors and readers alike while also providing potential SEO benefits over time.

How to Use for SEO

Strategically leveraging user-generated content through blog comments can exponentially amplify SEO performance. Blog comments provide an opportunity to increase website visibility by contributing relevant content and engaging with other users. Knowing how to use blog comments for SEO is important in order to maximize the most potential benefit from them.

Commenting on blogs with high-ranking domains allows one to make connections and establish trustworthiness that will be beneficial when other websites link back, resulting in increased organic traffic. Utilizing keywords within the comment that are related to the post also helps boost organic rankings as search engine algorithms recognize the relevance and importance of a website or page. Additionally, it is essential for commenters to avoid spamming which can lead to penalties from search engines; instead, they should focus on providing quality content that adds value and increases the likelihood of users clicking through for more information.

Blog commenting should be used as part of a broader strategy directed at creating an overall positive experience for users while also boosting a website's ranking on various search engines. Creating meaningful conversations and engaging with other readers can naturally lead visitors to explore further into a site, providing more opportunities for conversions while simultaneously helping improve SEO performance. By building relationships through thoughtful comments, businesses have no limit on their ability to attract new customers and enhance their online presence organically.

Successful Blog Commenting

Successfully leveraging blog comments to improve SEO performance requires a well-thought out approach. Blog commenting is an important tool in the digital marketing mix, as it can drive high quality traffic and help boost rankings. To maximize the efficacy of blog commenting for SEO, marketers should avoid spammy tactics by targeting relevant articles, writing thoughtful comments that add value, and providing meaningful insights. When done correctly, blog comment engagement can help with brand awareness, link building, content promotion and more.

In order to ensure success when leaving comments on blogs related to one's own industry or niche topic area, marketers must be consistent in their efforts and have a clear understanding of the website's rules regarding comment moderation. Additionally, when selecting which blogs to comment on, they should focus on those sites that are most likely to benefit from their input; those with active audiences who engage with each other through meaningful commentary will be far more effective than websites where unhelpful or irrelevant comments are left unchecked.

By taking a strategic approach to blog commenting that focuses on quality over quantity and puts thoughtfulness first instead of just blindly posting links back to one's own site or attempting generic "great post!"type responses these days, marketers can use this tactic effectively as part of their SEO strategy without risking penalties from search engine algorithms. With proper implementation of successful blog commenting practices combined with other SEO best practices such as keyword research and optimization techniques used across one's website content and metadata tags, businesses can significantly increase their visibility online while also establishing themselves as authorities within their respective industries.

SEO Best Practices

Successful blog commenting involves much more than simply leaving a comment on any given post. In order to ensure that the comments are beneficial to SEO, certain best practices must be implemented. For example, when writing comments, it is important to focus on the content of the post and include relevant information as opposed to solely writing about unrelated topics. Additionally, by providing helpful feedback and constructive criticism, readers may be more likely to click through or even share the post. Furthermore, including a link back to one's website is highly recommended as it can help drive traffic and boost search engine rankings.

When it comes to SEO best practices for blog commenting, using unique comments is key; copy-pasting generic phrases should be avoided at all costs. It is also essential that all comments made are of high quality and have good grammar; this will make them appear more legitimate and trustworthy in the eyes of both readers and search engines alike. Additionally, making sure each comment is relevant to the topic being discussed can help draw attention from readers who find value in what has been said.

Finally, responding quickly when someone replies back shows professionalism which further enhances credibility with both readers and search engines alike. Doing so may also lead to increased engagement with potential customers who appreciate timely responses from businesses they follow online. With these tips in mind, finding blogs that would benefit from your comments should become easier as one moves forward with their blog commenting strategy for SEO purposes.

Finding Blogs to Comment On

Finding the right blogs to comment on is a cornerstone of a successful SEO strategy, requiring one to cast a wide net and be judicious in their choices. There are several methods available for discovering potential blog commenting opportunities, such as keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, manual searches on Google or Bing, and specialized blog discovery platforms. When selecting blogs to comment on, it is important to ensure that they are relevant and have an active community of commenters. This will help maximize the SEO benefits from posting comments as well as supplying helpful information that readers can use. Additionally, it is also beneficial to consider how frequently the blog is updated; this provides an indication of how much new content may be posted for additional commenting opportunities down the line.

When searching for blogs to comment on, one should prioritize quality over quantity and look out for red flags indicating low-quality or spammy sites such as excessive pop-up ads or broken links. Commenting on these types of websites can actually hurt SEO efforts instead of helping them since search engines devalue links from bad sources. Furthermore, care should be taken when choosing which comments to post in order to avoid any potential risks from posting content that could appear inappropriate or offensive; even if made with good intentions this can lead to being blocked by moderators or worse yet penalized by search engines for negative SEO practices. Making sure that all comments are relevant and adhere to the guidelines set forth by both website owners and search engine algorithms is essential in order secure positive outcomes from blog commenting activities.

Finally, understanding common mistakes made when engaging with other bloggers will help ensure that you get the most out of your efforts without risking any penalties or significant damage to your reputation online. Being aware of possible risks beforehand allows you take proactive steps towards avoiding them while still taking advantage of all the benefits blogging has offer in terms of increased visibility online and building relationships within specific communities related your brand's mission statement through thoughtful contribution via meaningful dialogue between peers.

Risks and Mistakes to Avoid

Engaging in blog commenting activities can present several risks and potential mistakes that should be avoided to ensure positive outcomes. To this end, it is important for SEO experts to keep the following four items in mind when participating in such activities:

  1. Avoid making comments that have nothing to do with the topic - Commenting on a blog post with an unrelated statement may result in the comment being marked as spam or deleted altogether, potentially resulting in a negative outcome for SEO purposes.
  2. Do not leave comments that are too short or too long - Comments that are either very brief or overly long will appear unnatural and could be perceived as spam by other commenters or moderators of the blog. It is important to strike a balance between providing valuable insight into the topic at hand and remaining succinct so as to avoid any unnecessary attention from undesirable users.
  3. Be respectful of other commenters - Leaving rude or offensive comments may alienate readers of the blog post who could otherwise have become interested in clicking through to one's website via their signature link, thus reducing potential traffic gains from engaging in such activities. It is always best practice to remain polite and professional even if there are disagreements regarding certain topics discussed within the post itself.
  4. Optimize comment signatures correctly - Link optimization involves ensuring links lead directly back to one's website without any redirects, which can negatively affect search engine rankings due to lack of visibility and indexing problems associated with improper optimization techniques. Additionally, using keyword-rich anchor text within comment signatures can help draw more attention from readers who are interested in learning more about what they have just read while also improving link relevancy within Google's algorithms for better organic search engine rankings over time.

By avoiding these risks and mistakes when engaging in blog commenting activities, SEO experts can achieve their desired goals while maintaining a high level of professionalism at all times throughout their interactions with fellow bloggers and members of online communities alike. Ultimately, taking appropriate steps towards optimizing one's participation in such activities will go a long way towards gaining maximum exposure for both websites as well as personal brands moving forward into the future.


The act of blog commenting is a powerful tool for SEO. It allows businesses to build brand awareness, create relationships and gain insight from customers and stakeholders. While some may view it as a tactic to simply drive traffic, the truth is that when done correctly, blog commenting can be an incredibly effective SEO strategy. In order to make the most out of blog commenting for SEO, it's important to remember the fundamentals: find relevant blogs to comment on; use keyword-rich comments; and ensure your comments are well-written and informative. By doing so, businesses can achieve their desired outcomes while avoiding any potential risks associated with poor practices. Like a lighthouse in a stormy sea, blog commenting can help guide businesses through turbulent waters – ultimately resulting in success online.


How often should I comment on a blog?

Approximately 10 comments per month on a blog post is the optimal frequency for creating engagement and stimulating SEO success. Aim to leave meaningful contributions that add value, rather than brief responses with minimal detail. Quality over quantity should be your focus when commenting on blogs.

Are there any tools to make blog commenting easier?

Blog commenting can be made easier with a variety of tools. Automated comment systems enable users to submit comments quickly and easily, while moderation tools allow administrators to monitor posts and approve or reject them. Additionally, tracking and analytics software can help measure the impact of comments on SEO.

What is the difference between blog commenting and forum commenting?

"Blog commenting and forum commenting differ in their structures. Forum comments often represent a more open discussion, while blog comments tend to be shorter and more concise. Anachronistically speaking, the freedom for expression that forums provide can be liberating compared to the rigidness of blog-commenting formats."

Will commenting on my own blog help SEO?

Commenting on one's own blog can help to optimize SEO. It can create a more engaged audience and create content that is both relevant and informative. This may also enhance the overall visibility of the blog, potentially driving more traffic to it.

Does the length of the comment matter for SEO?

"Does the length of a comment matter for SEO?” Rhetorically, what could be more important than quality content when considering factors that affect search engine rankings? The key to successful blog comments lies in crafting concise, relevant and engaging statements that provide meaningful value. Quality -- not quantity -- is the best approach to maximizing the potential SEO benefits of blog commenting.

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